The Most Active 10% of Twitter Users Are Responsible for 80% of Tweets Overall

By Christine Zosche 

Among U.S. adults, Twitter discourse is dominated by a small share of tweeters. The most prolific tweeters—those in the top 10 percent by number of tweets—are responsible for 80 percent of all tweets created by U.S. adults. (Pew Research Center / Think Tank)

The median user in that group tweets 138 times and favorites 70 posts per month, follows 456 accounts and is followed by 387. (In contrast, the median user in the bottom 90 percent creates just two tweets per month, favorites only one post, follows 74 accounts and is followed by just 19.) (Adweek)

These superusers are more likely to be women and more likely to tweet about politics, the study found. (Poynter)

