You’re Out of Work, So What Do You Do With Your Time?

By Matt Van Hoven 

You’ve been laid off; maybe it’s been a day, or a month or a year. Bottom line your search for new work has been dreadful and you’re thinking of leaving the business or moving to Australia and opening a bar on the coast somewhere. But what if you stuck it out and used the opportunity to do something truly creative &#151 is it possible that out of the ashes will rise a stronger, faster, smarter industry?


Hell yes it is. It’s time to be real; to do something if we can, even if that’s just to keep you informed. Maybe this post will be just like any other. Our hope is that you’ll share a little of what you’re doing with us. Comment, e-mail, call, tweet, IM, send a letter or a singing telegram. Doesn’t matter, we just want to know what you’re doing. We’re listening.

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More: “Reebok Just Wants Girl to Want to Have Fun… Excercising
