Where Are We Headed?

By SpyWriter 

In recent months I have seen many of my colleagues/friends laid off. Many of them leaving agencies after having given the best years of their lives.

It’s no secret that advertising favors young, fresh talent. But brands were built on the backs of these older creatives, account people, planners, etc. Where does one go from there? It seems as though agencies are sending these people out to pasture, often with shitty severance and, if they’re lucky, a pat on the back. Mostly in favor of younger, less experienced talent.


I think there is a serious argument to be made about which is more talented. But I find the strengths and weaknesses in both sides. Not to pit the 28 yr old creative director against the one over 50… But, let’s face it, that’s what our business has always been about. What’s new? What’s the next thing on the horizon. Clients want results. And agencies want to be the innovative, hip agency that provides those results (obviously). But does that mean that we are losing the traditional agencies that we are used to? Is age a more prevelant issue than it used to be?

We got an email asking- what the next step in the older ad guy’s career is? Advertising’s Fifth Column has this great idea to get a dialogue among the agencies started by those on the inside. I want to know what agencies are embracing older, more seasoned talent?
