Wednesday Morning Stir

By Erik Oster 

BBDO Germany reminded the fashion industry that many of their products come from animals (video above). 

Publicis launches a new AI division so robot Maurice Levy can remain CEO forever. (Cue evil laughter.)

Google claims YouTube ads have better ROI than TV ads. Completely unbiased source here.


An op-ed in The Drum argues that copy and design are, like, complimentary or something.

-Design agencies “Imagine What a ‘Starbucks of Marijuana’ Might Look Like.” Hold the soy milk, please. 

-In case you didn’t know, Germany’s “Reinheitsgebot” beer purity law is pretty nuts and craft brewers in the country are tired of playing by the rules.

BREAKING: a man says marketers need to do a better job of pandering to women. Also, sports.

Brand studio The Butler Bros appointed Jane McVey as project manager.
