We Hear: Did CP+B Win Infiniti or Not?

By Patrick Coffee 


Last week we reported that the number of agencies still involved in the ongoing Infiniti pitch had gone down from four to two: CP+B and GS&P.

Silence on the PR front confirmed that story, but as soon as we posted it we began to receive a steady stream of both tips and comments (not that we actually read the comments, mind you) claiming that the pitch was over and that Crispin had emerged victorious. References to VW abounded.


When we contacted the agency itself, we received only a perfect comment about their inability “to comment on new business.”

And yet, it certainly seems like someone is either trying to tell us that the pitch has been won or trying to mislead us on that point.

So let us know, readers: what’s the status?

UPDATE: An inside source tells us that, while all signs point toward “buy”, the prospective client has yet to make an official announcement. Bit of a letdown, then. Fingers still crossed.
