Today on the Menu: Letterman Extorted, Cheney Docs Revealed, Gosselin Demoted

By Matt Van Hoven 

The biggest media-entertainment news of the day will undoubtedly be David Letterman’s announcement on last night’s “Late Show” that he was nearly the victim of an extortion attempt allegedly by 51 year-old CBS staffer Robert Halderman.

Letterman used his program to tell the story (above), and was pretty blatant about the whole thing. Details: he’s had sex with female “Late Show” staffers. Halderman, who worked for “48 Hours” wanted $2 million or he’d write a screenplay (and book!) about the ordeal. Letterman, attorney and the New York DA’s office set up a sting to get more info (three meetings total), upon the last encounter the guy is given a fake check for $2 million. Letterman testifies before a grand jury, and a warrant is issued for the Halderman’s arrest.


But the PR play on Letterman’s side couldn’t have been easy. Now there’s a story and at the center of it is a man with a 5 year-old son and a wife, whom he recently married, and an uncertain number of “Late Show” staffers, who may or may not still work there.

We also spoke today about Jon Gosselin, who sent TLC a cease and desist stating they can’t operate on his home property or film his children. For the time being, we’re calling the show, “Kate”.

There’s a bit about the government revealing some documents pertaining to Dick Cheney and the Valeria Plame case, too.

More: Episodes of the Menu
