Thursday Odds and Ends

By Kiran Aditham 

-The 4A’s will celebrate the first international Jay Chiat Strategy Festival, which focuses on strategic thinking, October 11-13, 2010 in Miami. link

-Did you know Leo Burnett is part of a co-ed, inter-agency soccer league? link


-GM’s Joel Ewanick: Silverado ads will embrace the family feud of pickup world. link

-Popeye’s plays greasy games with KFC. link

-Vimeo is among the list of the 50 best websites according to Time. link

-Ogilvy teaches how to use Foursquare for business. link

-Apple, Google prepare for mobile ad war. link

-Idiot cuts off “tech addiction” by living in bathroom. link

-Tweet your way into the primetime Emmy Awards. link

More: “Wednesday Odds and Ends
