The Week in Advertising: a MadMen Recap

By Matt Van Hoven 

Follow these instructions carefully if you want to see this week’s episode of The Week in Advertising. And last week’s, since most of you who watched in the past missed it.

First off, we implanted the video on AgencySpy’s homepage, permanently. When we added the video to a post, it would be gone from the homepage after a day and you told us you didn’t like that. So we solved the problem. It will forever be on the right side of the page just below the banned ad for ADiFY.


What you should do right now: look to the right side of this very page until you see a still image of me, with a play button over my face. Click that, if you care to. Since many of you missed last week, worry not &#151 it will play immediately after the current episode. Grab some lunch and enjoy our recap of MadMen. Spoilers? Not really.

More: Episodes of the Week in Advertising
