The Logo: Obama’s or Pepsi’s?

By Matt Van Hoven 

Before our battery died and we darted out of TBWA’s Pepsi press conference extraordinaire, Frank Cooper, Pepsi’s portfolio brands vp, spoke about the company’s position on the whole logo situation.

In case you didn’t know, Pepsi’s new logo looks a lot like President Obama’s. The colors, the shape, the design &#151 they all match up in a certain kind of way.


Cooper offered that the 110 year-old brand and President Omaba do share a common theme &#151 change, optimism, America.

Red, white and blue became Pepsi’s colors during World War 2, to show support for America. Yay. And the round shape, well that’s unchanged. It’s the design within the circle that’s at issue, seemingly. And, the sense we got was that Pepsi senses that there’s something to this Obmamania &#151 something that could sell more sodas.

Cooper added that optimism, change and hope are all part of the Pepsi mantra. Here’s a piece of the liveblog we hosted this morning from the event, and what we said at the time, about Cooper’s words.

AgencySpy: Cooper &#151 Optimism, change, desire for all that &#151 Obama tapped into that.

AgencySpy: the logos are diff &#151 but Pepsi wants to tap into that spirit…wow, they admitted wanting to copy Obama &#151 from where I’m sitting, anyway

So, maybe they do share a similar look. Circles work really well on buttons, the kind Obama was tossing to potential voters while he was on the campaign trail.

But at the end of the day, the happy coincidence appears to be just that. With more than a century of soda-making under their belt, Pepsi deserves a little breathing room on the issue &#151 even if they did admit that they share the same optimism as our new president. And, is there anything really wrong with that &#151 other than a lack of originality?

More: “LiveBlogging Pepsi’s SuperBowl Preview at TBWA NY
