The Armstrong Interviews: Adweek’s Exclusive is Below AdAge’s Fold

By Matt Van Hoven 

Tim Armstrong is 99+1 sunrises into his reign at AOL and, just as all the major papers covered President Obama’s first 100 days, so too are the ad trades “reporting” on the Web king’s 3.333 months in. The odd thing about this story: what AdWeek calls an exclusive is not only on AdAge but it’s not that big a deal. So, is it?

By virtue of the fact that AdAge also has a story about the exact same thing, AdWeek’s piece is not an exclusive. Furthermore it’s not like anyone is jumping for Ho-Ho’s over AOL’s recent moves so, why then do they have the same story?


Both pieces take us through what Armstrong has done in that time, which is more or less fracture the company into 5 properties. Take this away: AOL is your father’s brand (even though it’s not).


More: “Google Wants To Play Nice With You. Really.
