The Ad Wars

By Matt Van Hoven 

Soup makers Campbell’s and Progresso have been in media-fisticuffs for more than a month, going head to head with their campaigns much in the way President-elect Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain did during the race for the White House.

Don’t like that comparison? How about Mac v. PC? We see a striking similarity in each of these battles: a relatively new player (Mac, Obama, Progresso) ‘attacks’ the established brand (Microsoft, McCain, Campbell’s) on the grounds that it is dated, bad or incapable of creating change.


Mac tells us Microsoft is out of touch, Obama promises change from the old guard, and Progresso says no to MSG (while conveniently pointing out that Campbell’s contains…MSG). It’s finger pointing at its best, but is it working?

Although we can argue that MSG is bad, PCs aren’t as user friendly and McCain doesn’t have that (how do you say) youthful pop, there’s still something comforting, familiar, about each of these brands. The question is, can advertising undo that feeling? We’ll let you decide, using the handy poll below. But be sure to watch the ‘Colbert Report’ video first.

(Note: The poll is multiple choice, so choose three of the six options; ie Mac over PC, McCain over Obama, Progresso over Campbell’s)

Which brand is better?
( polls)

More: “Drink Your Soup
