Target Supports the Arts

By SpyWriter 

Starting July 20th, Target will sponsor Free Sundays at the Studio Museum in Harlem. The museum’s website lists their mission- “The Studio Museum in Harlem is the nexus for black artists locally, nationally, and internationally, and for work that has been inspired by black culture. It is a site for the dynamic exchange of ideas about art and society.”

This is undoubtedly part of Target’s effort to build a customer base in Harlem where they will opening a store on E. 116th Street in 2009. The musuem efforts will include free tours, hands on art ativities, films and live music. Target’s print ad for this boasts that “Target gives 5% of its income to communities- over $3 million every week.”


There are always arguments for and against big businesses like these moving into neighborhoods. But I’ve noticed that Target seems to be the kind of company that usually brings more good to a community than harm. Either way it’s good marketing to align themselves with the community activities to show that their intentions are to add value to the neighborhood.
