Stephanie Pratt Uses Marketing Words in iPhone App Sexy Video Thing

By Matt Van Hoven 

PETA and Stephanie Pratt and a too-risque-for-iTunes-app are your latest tech PR stunt from the anti-animal-cruelty company. They hired HotFrogCreative to develop this little scheme, which included an iPhone app. Unfortunately, putting the mostly naked Pratt on the digital cover got them banned from the iTunes store, says Gawker (who seems to be quoting a release). This is how PETA does everything. Full NSFW poster after the jump. The video is a little NSFW too.

Pratt says things like:


-“I think it’s important for people to be informed consumers.”
-“Animal testing is not a required law.” (um, what?)

Pratt gives a big shout out to HotFrogCreative for making the “be nice to bunnies app”, which probably means they weren’t paid. If PETA set up the project knowing the app would be banned, why would they pay for something that works? It was supposed to tell consumers if certain products are animal-cruelty-free &#151 which is actually pretty useful. Since the app is too sexy, people can’t actually look at their mobile devices and be informed consumers. In the world of “added value”, boobs win, actual value loses. Update: PETA tells us the app is available now, with a tamer version of the image. Real value, you’ve been vindicated.

PETA via Gawker

More:Peta’s Latest Poster Makes Little to No Sense
