Shocker: ‘Hire Us or We’ll Marry’ Saga Ends without Actual Nuptials

By Kiran Aditham 

Well, who didn’t see this coming? Nearly three months after creating a little buzz with their “Hire us so we don’t have to marry each other” ploy (did you get an invite?), Miami Ad School Brooklyn alums Alex Otis and Charli Hoffmann each wound up landing month-long freelance gigs at L.A.-based shop Mistress. Thus, the act of joining together in holy matrimony was deemed unnecessary. Now that their mission is complete, it appears that the pair has parted ways, with Otis now serving as a copywriter intern at Rosetta and Hoffmann back in Germany. Ah, it was fun while it lasted, wasn’t it? Actually, don’t answer that. Instead, just watch the case study of the duo’s self-promotional campaign that Hoffmann just posted this week if you’re still interested.
