Reverse Mentoring Tip of the Day

By Matt Van Hoven 

Adweek has a poll up today, on their homepage, asking if you think agencies can thrive without their namesakes at the helm. Good question, but one thing you can do to make the results feel more legit: click the “percentages only” button in PollDaddy’s poll setup page. That way if only 22 people have answered the call by 3:11 EST on a Monday, it seems less like an inane question no one cares about and more like the exact opposite.

And by the way, you didn’t put the correct answer as an option. The truth is, any agency can thrive without its founder, but obviously the vision would change due to the constant weathering that this industry deals with. No two people can share exactly the same vision &#151 it’s an impossibility based on our inability to communicate accurately what we want. The best we can give is a basic description. It’s like the idea that the color I perceive to be red might, to you, appear what maroon is to me etc. Similar but different. The best an agency can hope for is transference of values.

Adweek Vs. Adage: The Final Countdown

