Olson Engage Gets Its ‘FRIQ’ on for Oscar Mayer

By Erik Oster 

Olson Engage launched a new stunt advertising spot for Oscar Mayer as part of its “Original Protein” campaign, promoting the Oscar Mayer P3 protein pack by getting gym-goers into trying a ridiculous new workout called FRIQ.

Unsuspecting gym members who signed up for ridiculously-named workout are greeted by an equally ridiculous instructor. He leads a workout that includes rolling around in bubble wrap, solo slow dancing and imaginary grape stomping, all the while screaming over-the-top encouragement like “I want you to work harder than a woman delivering a 14-pound baby!” and other nonsensical motivation. At the end of the class, he takes out a disgusting, goopy mess of a snack he calls “FRIQ Fuel” and defines as “a mixture of organic and manufactured minerals that gives your body the proteins it needs.” Most of the participants decline, but one woman (who we really hope was also a paid actor) chokes some down before he reveals the stunt, followed by the message “Don’t fall for the hype in your workout. Don’t fall for the hype in your protein.” The product isn’t revealed until the very end of the ad’s almost two-minute runtime, presented as a step up from FRIQ Fuel, containing the “original protein” mix of meat, cheese and nuts.

Prankvertising by now has become a pretty tired trend, as there’s really only so much room for innovation within its narrow definition and Olson Engage doesn’t bring much new to the table here, tackling easy targets and trading in gross-out humor. It doesn’t help that the product doesn’t make an appearance until the very end of the two-minute spot, meaning only viewers who stick around for its entirety will make the connection to the brand.
