Ogilvy Wants You To Taste Blood

By SuperSpy 

David Ogilvy has a little of the Alfred Hitchcock him, right? Listen to that voice! He also has a touch of President Franklin D. Roosevelt with his whole fireside chat vibe. In this short video, Ogilvy talks about the difference between direct response advertising and general advertisers. He speaks frankly and directly and we love him for it. He makes predicitions during a moment in advertising when things were in flux. He calls for integration.

“In the advertising community today there are two worlds. Your world of direct response advertising and another world – the world of general advertising. These two worlds are on a collision course.”


“The general advertisers and their agencies know almost nothing for sure, because they cannot measure thei results of their advertising. They worship at the alter of creativity.”

“The trouble with copywriters and general agencies is that they don’t really think in terms of selling. They’ve never written direct response. They’ve never tasted blood.”

Change a few words and the old adage holds true: “somethings never change.”
