No Bull Intentions

By Matt Van Hoven 

Time to rant a little about shit that has been pissing me off lately.

To begin, pain-in-the-ass spammers are at the heart of a few changes to this site. There are a lot of them (spammers), and they all like to bombard our commenting and tip sections with penis-enlargement info, upskirt videos and Fallon’s contact info.


Nobody wants that.

Being that we don’t want any of this stuff either, we have to require some things that prove to us that a human is typing and not a computer.

Furthermore, this site is run by MediaBistro. Get over it. The vast majority of changes have been made, and the bottom line is a few more ads and the dreaded register-before-you-post. What’s the big fucking deal?

For the scarce few bloggers that have the cojones to tell you who they are (Toad, Parker, etc. &#151 myself), each day is another opportunity to step up to the plate and knock a line drive into the gut of any agency, ad-douche, or hack that makes the mistake of doing something remotely stupid. It’s a good feeling and you love to read about it. So send us tips and we’ll do the rest.

Although new to AS, I’ve also posted all my contact info (Matt Van Hoven,, 651 470 1311) on this site. There’s no profile page yet so deal. So if you have something to say, call and say it &#151 or email, comment, send a tip…whatever. But don’t begin to bitch about having to register. It takes two minutes and anyone with half a brain can click the “do not email me ANYTHING” button. One day, you’ll lose a job or be bored with whatever you’re doing and decide to surf the MB jobs page, so quit you’re fucking complaining about having to register. It’s lame, an old story and nobody gives a shit.

You still get to be anonymous, and it’s not like anyone is going to find out who you are just because you’re registered. I don’t really care and neither does MB &#151 so leave your fears at the door.

Adscam commented on this issue, so check that out if you like. Parker says he doesn’t want us to have his personal information. What are we, Nazis? Are we planning a take over? No, we’re not Nazis. We’re bloggers, Mr. Parker, and we want to talk about advertising. Don’t worry, we’re not going to sneak into your house in the middle of the night and steal your first edition signed “MadScam.”

Wait, didn’t you write that?

Update: Tribble agency is weighing in.
