Night Agency ECD Lists His New Year’s Resolutions

By Kiran Aditham 

Ok, we lied. Here’s one more post to close things out in the first week of 2011, this one being a host of New Year’s resolutions that come to us courtesy of Scott Cohn, ECD at NYC-based Night Agency. Like most, we never keep ours, but here goes below. See any similarities between his and yours?

* No more passive/aggressive emails to staff, as long as they stop making microwave popcorn, haha, but seriously people, be considerate.  that stuff stinks.
* Get in touch with my emoticons.
* Open every other chain-email from my mom.
* Exercise daily – stop using keyboard shortcuts.
* Care more about the news – bookmark
* Download a new language.
* Spend more time away from the computer – need to justify ipad purchase.
* Figure out bluetooth.
* Start using headset for phone to protect brain from dangerous microwave radiation.  (don’t keep phone in pocket either.)
* Reduce my carbon footprint by ccing less.
* Focus more on my “real” friendships via direct tweeting.
* Be more creative, starting with new facebook profile.
* Spend more time skyping with loved ones.
* Update my blog.
* Clean off my desktop, file things away, forget about them forever.


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