Most Popular Stories on AgencySpy from 2011 (10-6)

By Kiran Aditham 

Consider this our attempt to pile on in a week that’s sure to be filled with a billion countdowns. It’s been quite the year on AgencySpy and we thank you for continuing to check back, comment, hate, love and all of the above. So without further ado, we’ll kick off our top 20 most popular items of the year list that will run through Friday, Dec. 30. The list is somewhat surprising, but hey, we’re just going by the numbers. Read on after the jump (15-11 here).

10) Rich Silverstein Responds to Logo Issue













9) Grey Flies Spelling Error Over Cannes








8) CP+B’s Last Work for BK: Whopper Lust




7) Behold: The Definitive Infographic for Copywriters











6) Darren Aronofsky Directs Horrifying Meth PSAs
