Maker’s Marks Up Grand Central

By Matt Van Hoven 

Maker’s Mark has taken over the tunnel between the shuttle and 4/5/6 etc. trains in Grand Central. Notice the singing lady in the background. She’s always there, belting out some tune. She seemed very mystical to us, until one morning she was singing, “Like a Prayer”, and the mood in the tunnel was markedly awkward.


Nonetheless, Maker’s has retooled the space, which was previously decked out in NavyMoms dot com garb &#151 and even added their own motion-sensitive “billboard”. The interactive wall showed a row of Makers bottles, which “flip” over when passersby pass by. Watch the wall flower grow!

Whoever is responsible for the treatment, e-mail us at agencyspy@mediabistro dot com so we can give you props.

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More: “An ‘Interactive’ Ad in Grand Central
