Kotex Uses Fierce Colors, Vaginally-Aware Women to ‘Break the Cycle’

By Kiran Aditham 

Kimberly-Clark is introducing its “U by Kotex” feminine care brand along with its new “Break the Cycle” tagline with a multi-faceted campaign that involves the likes of JWT, Marina Maher Communications, Organic and Mindshare. According to one critic though, “the [U] products seem to be the same old Kotex pads and tampons, now individually wrapped in bright, ‘fierce’ colors instead of the usual pastels. The same old plastic applicators are now yellow, blue, or green, instead of just pink.”

In a statement, K-C’s Andrew Meurer–who holds a helluva title as VP, North American Group Brands Feminine/Adult/Senior Care–says Kotex is positioning itself differently than advertisers who for the past 50 years “have been perpetuating this cultural stigma by emphasizing that the best menstrual period is one that is ignored.”

We’re not sure whether hot pink tampons will help open the dialogue, but the brand is kicking things off with a bit of humor by mocking tampon ads of yore in the spot below.


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