Kellogg’s Update, Starring Razorfish and Arc Worldwide

By Kiran Aditham 

Sources familiar with the matter tell us that there is no perennial divide between Razorfish and Arc Worldwide when it comes to the Kellogg’s account, which is being touted as a “shared assignment.”

Here is what one worried tip read verbatim: “Arc ‘lost’ Kellog’s digital work to razorfish (or publicis decided to move) several but not all people involved were asked to move to razorfishwith account. seems odd. is arc moving all digital to razorfish? seems that way”

Negatory, say our sources, who add that there’s no mass shift of Arc staff to Razorfish; it’s just that the account’s digital work is “growing and naturally Razorfish is taking a role in the work moving forward.” From what we’ve been told, there have been no layoffs as a result of Razofish’s more active involvement in the Kellogg’s brand.

