Google Placates Publishers, Spoils Unlimited News Reading Experience

By Kiran Aditham 

In an effort aimed at satisfying publishers who are griping about search engines jacking their content, Google has now updated its First Click Free indexing service to let content sites limit readers to five free stories a day before payment/registration kicks in.

From an ad standpoint, it appears that Google is basically letting news sites hurt their own sales with the option. According to CNet UK, the search giant and Google-hater Rupert Murdoch now share the same viewpoint with this latest move–though a blog post from the Mountain Valley, CA company shows them spinning this technology as a way to avoid “cloaking.” Whatever the case, it seems our online reading experience isn’t changing for the better.


Via Gizmodo

More: “Rupert Murdoch Wants to Boycott the Digital Newsstand
