Fired Geico VO Guy Turns Voicemails Into ‘Entertaining’ Video

By Matt Van Hoven 

Recently the guy who does some voice over work for Geico, Lance Baxter aka D.C. Douglas got fired for calling tea bagger group Freedom Works and asking how many staffers were mentally retarded. And what the PR strategy was for when one of them killed someone.

So the guy who received the message shared Baxter’s number with members of the group and they called him and left messages. Baxter cut together the messages, added his super-awesome voice to it, et voila! Watch. Be entertained. Judge.


Note: working out whether the video came first or the firing. Not really important.


More:Geico VO Guy Fired For Asking a Tea Party Group Freedom Works ‘How Many (of your agency’s) Employees Are Mentally Retarded’
