Everyone Apparently Puzzled by That Trivago Guy

By Keith Rose 

Nice to know that we’re not the only ones who thought this was an odd casting choice.

Check out Slate’s treatise on the Trivago guy that had us scratching our heads on first sight.

Trivago is a travel-focused search engine based in Germany — and somehow, former soap opera star Tim Williams ended up as their hype man for the series of spots (not created by current AOR Noah) aimed to launch the service in the U.S. We can’t be sure whether this campaign has helped establish the company stateside, but it has certainly received a lot of media coverage via journalists as perplexed as we are.


Slate describes this dude of steely countenance as “a sallow avatar of middle-aged masculinity” while suggesting that fellow bros use his nickname as a new kind of put-down.

We just  found him kind of…off-putting.
