Creepy Campaigns for Kids

By Matt Van Hoven 

Kids without jobs these days: they spend their time interning and volunteering and going to informationals and sending us stuff they find on the inter Webs. For example, there’s Colin Murphy (@colinmurphy) who interns at Campfire &#151 he tweets us fun stuff all the time.

There are a few other young’uns sending us stuff from time to time and to all you (yeah, you) this is us saying thanks. So, thanks. Now, the creepy Play-Doh campaign that sells based on the novel idea that the stuff is safe, which is better than joking about KKK dudes falling in love with afro’d guys.


Unless you swallow a huge ball of it.

Via UglyDoggy

More: “Campaign Goals: Sell Kids Putty, End Culture Wars
