Correction: The 3 Minute AdAge is (not) No More

By Matt Van Hoven 

Update: 3 Minute AdAge producer Hoag Levins tells us that 3 Minute AdAge still exists, though they are producing fewer shows.

Sources tell us that AdAge’s daily video offering, 3 Minute AdAge, is (not) no more. Citing budget constraints and lack of sponsorship, our source says the video show was axed cut back about two weeks ago. At least one video team employee was let go, we’re told.


The show wasn’t our favorite. This isn’t to say that we’re experts at the video thing, eh hem, TWIA. But we’re just glad that the head of our video dept. isn’t stodgy and likes it when we do goofy things. The goal in video, people, is doing the opposite of what you’d consider standard.

More: “George Lois on the AdAge of Old
