Campbell Ewald Wants Californians to ‘Avoid the Bear Stare’

By Erik Oster 

Campbell Ewald launched a campaign for Energy Upgrade California seeking to end “drought shaming” and promote water conservation in California.

The agency turns to the Golden State’s bear mascot for the campaign, who proves to have a death stare that rivals Luigi’s. In a pair of spots, one running 30-seconds, the other 15, the bear can be seen staring disapprovingly as a neighbor wastes water, but instead of just throwing shade indefinitely, he also shares tips for water conservation in an attempt to get viewers to stay constructive in their criticism while doing what they can to conserve water. Among his tips are low-flow shower heads and a tankless water heater and each spot ends with him inviting viewers to check out more ways to manage water at Energy Upgrade’s website. The site also includes a “Bear Stare Game” which utilizes face tracking technology, while offline elements supporting the campaign include an OOH component making use of stencils with non-toxic biodegradable hydrophobic coating that reveals messages when wet.

“We want to inspire Californians to constructively share water and energy saving tips with friends, family and neighbors, rather than just stare or ‘drought shame’ them,” Campbell Ewald associate planning director Chris Marchegiani explained to MediaPost. “Bear loves California and knows that Energy Upgrade California can help everyone play their part in protecting the way of life we love, or as he would say, to ‘Stay Golden.”
