Blind Item: Desperate Times Call for…Sandwiches

By Matt Van Hoven 

What at first seemed like a really crazy move is starting to feel like, well, a good idea. We’re told an agency in the Midwest offered their office staff the following option in order to cut back on overhead.

According to our source, the agency has asked office workers to work only four days a week and take a 20 percent pay cut (Yeah, um, the management/creative types aren’t included in the time “cut-backs”). Makes sense, if they’re working 1/5th as much time. We’re not sure if this applies to salaried or hourly employees, or what, but at least the agency didn’t resort to laying people off? We dunno &#151 what do you think?


Furthermore, we hear one of the people who has chosen to work one fewer day has resorted to making lunches for fellow staff, which he sells for $5 a pop. Not a bad way to offset the lost cash-flow; but who wants to make sandwiches (et cetera) for the assholes who still get to work every day? Not we (Ed’s note: this isn’t to say those folks are assholes, but if we were on the crap end of that stick, we’d probably see them as such).

Here’s what we can tell you about the agency; per our source: “i can tell you that the chop has multiple offices in the country and this office is located in the midwest”.

Click continued to see the actual lunch menu that was sent out today.

More: “A (Desperate) Gary Coleman Pairs With (The Desperate) I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter

Good Afternoon All,
Tomorrow’s menu:
Baked pork chops
Sweet potatoes
Fried apples
Corn bread
I have 5 more lunches available for tomorrow. If you’d like one, bring me $5.00 before end of day.
Blondies (blond brownies) will also be available for .50 each.
Bon Appetite,
