Anybody Need an Organic, Grass-Fed, Free-Range Xmas Tree?

By Erik Oster 

We’re not sure who is behind this one, but somebody has created a site that claims to sell “organic, grass-fed, free range, non-caged, small batch Christmas trees.” Check out the above video for an idea of what kind of ridiculousness to expect. It appears today is the day of Christmas parodies — unless, of course, this site is completely serious.

On the site, they calm any concerns you might have that your tree wasn’t given enough space. Each tree is given a 20 x 20 foot space so that they  can “roam free in their spaces to fulfill their spirit.” That’s nice, but how were the trees fertilized? Well, that’s completely up to you. You can choose to have your tree fertilized by “organic cat, organic dog or organic cow manure”; or, if you order your tree six months in advance, you can “bring your own organic animal to fertilize your treeling.” You’ll also be glad to know that the trees are kept on a “strict grass, water and sunlight only diet,” so you can be sure they’re pesticide free. Head on over to to choose your customized organic tree now, and let us know how that works out for you.

