And Now, a Jaguar ‘Test Ad’ That Cost Nothing to Make

By Kiran Aditham 


So, this is apparently how you make a Jaguar “test ad,” minus the money to fund it as well as the car itself. This clip called “Poem” comes to us from a 26-year-old producer-turned-director named William Armstrong, who spent $0 to make it but landed a spot anyways on the Young Directors Award shortlist at this year’s Cannes Lions. We figured we’d give the up-and-comer a brief nod considering the circumstances behind the creation of “Poem,” which for some reason reminds us a bit of W+K’s “Go Forth” concept for Levi’s (or maybe that Jim Beam ad starring Willem Dafoe) and features a dead ringer for the old man from Home Alone. At the very least, you killed 60 seconds of your life. Your move, Spark44.

