Advertising Less Effective Via News Media

By Matt Van Hoven 

A report published by Experian Simmons found that just 28 percent of the eyeballs watching/absorbing ads during news programming, on news sites et al will trust/be inspired/get life enhanced/socially interact/have a personal time out. See what that means, below. Compared to media in general, ads that pop up in news media aren’t as effective.

&#151 Inspirational: If a media program, magazine or internet site ranks high in this dimension, it means that consumers are inspired by it and have an emotional connection to it.
&#151 Trustworthy: A high score for this dimension indicates that consumers trust a particular program, magazine or website and believe it is telling the truth without sensationalizing.
&#151 Life Enhancing: A high Life-Enhancing score indicates consumers feel they are always learning about new things and places from a particular program, magazine or website. What they learn, in turn, helps them make better life decisions.
&#151 Social Interaction: A high score in this dimension means that a program, magazine or website constantly provides fodder for conversations with friends and family.
&#151 Personal Timeout: Programs, magazines or websites that score high in this dimension provide an escape for consumers, who like to relax and unwind while reading or watching them.


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