Ad Students Want to Shave Your Chest, Claim It’s for ‘Charity’

By Bob Marshall 


For those who don’t know, the practice of “manscaping” consists of men cutting elaborate designs and illustrations into their chest hair. If you’re a guy with chest hair who’s heard about this growing trend, you’ve no doubt considered what would look best shaved onto your torso. Maybe the Batman logo? Maybe a map of Middle Earth? Truly, it’s a fun thing to think about.


Two young female ad students, Liz Haagensen and Clare Prowse, are keenly aware of dudes’ secret desire to pretty-up their manpelt. So they asked their guy-friend, Matthew Shotwell, to over up is chest as a practice-palette for the highest bidder in an eBay auction for charity. Now, men can use Shotwell’s body to see how their own design looks on another human being, with all money spent going toward creating a Manscaping documentary which will support the nationwide “Movember” movement to help end prostate and testicular cancer.

Those among you who lack an imagination can visit the Manscaping Facebook page for ideas on what you can shave into your upper-level short and curlys. Personally, I’m hoping for a highly detailed hair portrait of Aaron Rodgers.
