Ad Students, It’s Time to Get Those Much-Needed LinkedIn References

By Bob Marshall 

With a LinkedIn profile now arguably solidified as the digital equivalent to a resume, the social network’s “Recommendations” feature is quickly becoming an invaluable tool for those on the job hunt.

Of course, many recent graduates are struggling to build up this section on their profiles because, well, they don’t really have any real-world experience. But, one enterprising young ad student copywriter named Matt League is attempting to find a solution for those who share his struggle. His solution: Make a dummy LinkedIn account so that he can recommend himself and his friends at The Creative Circus.


Hoping to dupe lazy recruiters who browse LinkedIn profiles for recommendations and don’t check who they’re from, “Mother Recommends” (no relation to the actual agency Mother) will tell you, in very maternal terms, how bright and talented ad students are. Claiming these individuals as children, “Mother Recommends” says verbose things like, “Hire Sara Steinberg and I guarantee she will be the melty cheese and sauce that holds the 5-layer lasagna that is your advertising agency together.”

It’s currently unknown if Mother’s recommendations have landed her children jobs at ad agencies. But, it did get Matt League’s portfolio linked on AgencySpy.  Better than nothing? We’ll let our dear readers be the judge of that.
