Ad Students’ ‘Charity’-Driven Manscaping Project Comes to an End

By Kiran Aditham 

It’s a shame we missed the premiere, but we’ve been informed by the parties behind this that the manscaping for charity project has finally wrapped.  It was only six weeks ago that we first told you about this effort from SF-based female ad students Liz Haagensen and Clare Prowse, who offered to shave a name/nickname into their guy-friend’s chest hair for whomever bid the highest on an eBay auction.

While the winning bid wasn’t very high actually, it was enough for the pair to donate a small percentage to the Movember cause and also fund their manscaping documentary (clip above). Not sure what Haagensen and Prowse’s obsession with this styling technique is, but the latter tells us herself that their film did elicit a few laughs at the bar in which it premiered. So…there’s that. See if it does the same for you.

