WJBK Reporter Golfs Across Detroit

By Andrew Gauthier 

WJBK’s Charlie LeDuff has made a career out of taking on difficult stories but the Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter may have found his biggest challenge yet: golfing across the city of Detroit.

Literally golfing, shot-to-shot, across the length of Detroit.


“It’s one hundred degrees, I’m wearing black, and I can’t golf,” LeDuff says in the resulting report, which features WJBK sports anchor Dan Miller. “But I’m committed because they’re talking [about] reinventing this city. What does that mean with millions of budget cuts? What does the city even look like block-by-block?” (Video after the jump).

LeDuff uses the city-wide golf game as a ruse to show the empty and dilapidated spaces across Detroit and speak to residents about their community.

