Teenager Apologizes for Kissing CBC Reporter

By Mark Joyella 

A teenager who interrupted a CBC live report by kissing reporter Megan Batchelor has apologized. “At the moment I thought it was kind of a joke, then I stepped in your shoes, that’s when I realized that it was not a joke at all,” said Daniel Davies, 17, who reached out to Batchelor via Twitter.

“That’s your career — obviously it’s also your body and you have complete control of that and without anyone else’s consent, they do not have the right to do anything to anyone,” Davies said.

Batchelor filed a police report after the incident in the hopes of discouraging people from harassing other reporters. “To have someone run up and just touch you or kiss you on the cheek or do something unwelcome, it’s just not OK regardless of where I am or what atmosphere it is.”


Batchelor told CBC News she accepts Davies’ apology:

“Just hearing those words, it’s exactly what I wanted to hear, and in all of this, I didn’t want anyone to lose their job or get a criminal record, I just want people to take a second, and just think of the impact on that person. Just because I’m standing in front of a camera doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings and I’m not focused and I’m not trying to be a professional,” said Batchelor.
