Rowdy World Cup Fan Brings NSFW Moment to WPLG Live Shot

By Mark Joyella 

Screen Shot 2014-07-14 at 2.29.20 PM

Sports, booze, and live TV. It can be a toxic cocktail at times. And it was for WPLG sports reporter Clay Ferraro Sunday night. The liveshot ticks off most of the items on the Greatest Hits List of Annoyances While Live: people waving, grabbing for the microphone, and saying something that really ought never be said on a newscast. Seriously, not ever.

The profane partier, however, wasn’t all that original–appearing to grab a phrase from this notorious fake NSFW local news liveshot.


Instagram user Chris Fischer posted a video, and don’t play it at work or with children nearby:

(h/t SFLTV)
