Union Rep Calls Local Media Reports ‘Just Horrible,’ Accidentally Emails it to Reporter

By Kevin Eck 

In a day of “oops” emails, Matt Barbour from WRCB was the accidental recipient of an email from the subject of a story saying “local media reports have just been horrible.”

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Barbour, a reporter for the Chattanooga, TN, NBC Affiliate, told TVSpy he sent an email to UAW press rep Michele Martin, copying president Bob King and region 8 director Gary Casteel, looking to set up interviews for a story he was doing about the United Auto Workers Union trying to set up shop at the local Volkswagen plant.


“Mr. Casteel replied all to Michele (and me, unknowingly) saying to provide some people for me to interview,” Barbour told TVSpy. “And Ms. Martin replied to Mr. Casteel (and me, unknowingly) saying she thought that would be a good idea because the coverage would look bad without a voice from UAW’s side. She then went on to say the “local media reports have just been horrible.”

In his story, Barbour told viewers,”The national public relations director for UAW, Michele Martin, is apparently not happy with the local media coverage. Channel 3 was copied on an email where she called Chattanooga’s UAW coverage,”just horrible.” She said the email copy was a mistake and apologized.”
