A.J. Clemente Says His Media Classes Are ‘Sold Out’

By Merrill Knox 

AJ Clemente on Fox NewsA.J. Clemente, the former KFYR anchor who was fired after his first words on the air were “fucking shit,” was a guest on Fox News’ “The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson” this afternoon.

Clemente, who was recently hired as a media instructor at Rennert International in New York City, said he is teaching students “the tools of the trade” while he looks for other television opportunities. “The classes are sold out. We have plenty of kids that want to come over … and maybe not [listen to] what I want to say, but they want to learn,” Clemente said.

In case anyone needs a reminder (or just a good Friday laugh), video of the newscast that got Clemente fired is after the jump.

