Who were the Most Influential TV News Tweeters of 2010?

By Molly Stark Dean 

The year 2010 saw great opportunity for tvnewsers to take advantage of Twitter. Klout.com ranked the most influential tweeters in categories such as politicians, tech companies, and music — obviously Justin Bieber reigned in most of them.

Fox News Channel seemed to have dominated not only in the 2010 ratings, but also the Twittershpere. The only tvnewser in Klout’s people category was #4 Glenn Beck — in between Sarah Palin and George W. Bush. President Barack Obama topped this list with Bieber in a close #2.

The only TV news show on the TV show list was #3 “Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld” — topped by ABC’s “Lost” and Fox’s “American Idol.”


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