White House Asks Nets To Broadcast 9pm Supreme Court Announcement

By Brian 

Scott McClellan walked into the press briefing room and said bluntly: “The president has made a decision and will be announcing his nominee to the Supreme Court at 9 o’clock.” The AP reports: “McClellan said the Bush administration was asking television outlets to broadcast the speech live.”

> Karl who?

> Update: 1:50pm: “Bush’s announcement at 9:00 p.m. EDT will last 10 minutes. The nominee will be present. They will take no questions,” the Daily Nightly says.

> Bush may pre-empt: NBC: “I Want To Be A Hilton.” ABC: “According to Jim.” CBS: “Big Brother 6.” Fox: “House.” CNN: “Animal fanatic Jeff Corwin joins us for a wild Tuesday.”
