What Jesse Jackson Didn’t Say on That Tape

By Chris Ariens 

Exclusive: The blogosphere has been burning up for nearly a week since Bill O’Reilly told his viewers there are portions of that Jesse Jackson tape that are “more damaging than what you heard.” What we all heard was that Jackson wanted to cut Barack Obama’s n*ts off for “talking down to black people.”

David Tabacoff, an executive producer of the O’Reilly Factor shot down the report from the blog Hybrid Nation.

Tabacoff tells TVNewser that in the un-aired portions of the tape, Jackson never used the words “half breed n—–” and never called Obama the “n” word either.


So what more did he say? Insiders tell us what we heard was the most “newsworthy” portion. TVNewser has been told that The Factor has no plans to air any remainder of the tape in the immediate future.

Immediate being the key word in that phrase.
