What Greta Van Susteren Really Meant About Not Re-Signing at 10pm

By Jordan Chariton 

greta van susterenGreta Van Susteren is clearing up what she meant after a recent column quoted her as being unsure of whether she would have re-signed with Fox News if still hosting “On the Record” at 10pm.

On her blog, Greta said it’s less about the time slot and more about opportunity for new “adventure.”

The 7pm is better ONLY because it is an adventure and is new to me. I had been at 10pm for 11 1/2 years and the 10pm lost its feeling of adventure.


If I had been at 7pm for 11 1/2 years, I would have felt the same about the 7pm time slot ….and the 10pm would have been a new adventure.

Each time slot is very different …and it is fun to do something new. It is exploring. It may seem odd…but the audience appetite is different at different hours….and even how we arrange the break structure in the show depends on the hour.
