Washington Wonks Get Wet

By Chris Ariens 

Have you heard about this? People pouring icy water over their heads to raise awareness and money for ALS? Well, several Washington wonks got in on the action over the last couple of days. CBS’s Bob Schieffer, NBC’s Andrea Mitchell and FNC’s Bret Baier all took the ice bucket challenge this week. Schieffer got doused by his colleagues at WUSA. He challenged Scott Pelley and CBS News president David Rhodes. Alan Greenspan did the honors, dousing his wife Mitchell, who challenged Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Chuck Todd. Todd was also nominated by FNC’s Bret Baier, who grabbed the tub himself. Baier also challenged his FNC colleagues James Rosen and Ed Henry. Meanwhile, a former Washington resident got iced this morning on the “Today” show.

Watch all three after the jump…

