The Ticker: Amanpour, News Now, Kurtz…

By Brian 

> CNN’s Christiane Amanpour will narrate the upcoming HBO doc “The Journalist and the Jihadi: The Murder of Daniel Pearl” this fall…

> MarketWatch reports: “SmartVideo Technologies Inc. said Tuesday it has agreed with ABC News to make ‘ABC News Now’ available on cellular SmartPhones to its SmartVideo subscribers.”

> Updating CBS’s request that YouTube remove its feel-good Evening News video: “YouTube did take the clip down sometime yesterday, but, in an illustration of just how difficult it can be to police copyrighted content on the Internet, the piece was uploaded to YouTube again last night,” Public Eye says…

> a WP chatter believes “think media critics really should direct their criticism at cable news schlock,” but Howard Kurtz says he may “overstate the influence of cable news.” (Also, there are cable shows that “cover a fair amount of hard news.”)
