Suze Orman: Model of Leadership Skills?

By kevin 

The Harvard Business Reviews’ Imagining the Future of Success explains that good leaders have to navigate conflicting notions of being both tough and empathetic.

So what public figure successfully accomplishes it? CNBC’s Suze Orman, apparently:

If there’s any secret sauce to leadership, we believe it’s the mix of intentions at the root of Orman’s success, a combination of high standards and shameless devotion. For many leaders, achieving this mix is impossible without giving up some comforting aspect of their existing public image. The nice ones will have to risk looking mean, and the hard ones will have to risk looking soft. But on the other side of these exposing positions is the chance to achieve a leader’s most fundamental task — to unleash the talent of the people around them.


Plus, I mean, she knows how to dress.
