Sharyl Attkisson Says She Had to Stop Pursuing Stories ‘Due to Lack of Interest’

By Merrill Knox 

In an interview on Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News show Thursday, former CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson said she was forced to abandon some of the stories she reported on — like the attacks at the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, the “Fast and Furious” scandal and Obamacare — “due to lack of interest.”

“I don’t think on the viewer’s part, but on the people that decide what stories go into the broadcast and what there’s room for, they felt fairly early on that this story was over, when I felt as though we had barely begun to scratch the surface,” Attkisson said. “They didn’t ask me what was left to report, they just decided on their own that the story was done.” Watch:

