Sarah Palin Doesn’t Need Any Advice from Katie Couric

By Chris Ariens 

Here we go again.

A day after Matt Lauer asked Gov. Sarah Palin about Katie Couric, Larry King goes there with the Alaska Gov. Also, Palin says she wants to “help build up that credibility in the press.”

KING: Katie Couric, by the way, said last night that she thinks you should keep your head down, work really hard, and learn about governing before contemplating a presidential run. What are your thoughts about her saying you should learn about governing?


PALIN: Well, thank you, Katie Couric, for your advice. And I won’t reciprocate in giving her any advice, that’s for sure, because I have respect for her and the profession that she is in. I would have greater respect though for the entire profession called mainstream media if we could have great assurance that there is fairness, that there is objectivity throughout the reporting world.

And you know, Larry, there, too, if there is anything that I can do in terms of assisting there and allowing the credence, the credibility that that great vocation, that cornerstone of our democracy called the press, if I can help build up that credibility in the press and allow the electorate to know that they can believe everything that is reported through the airwaves and through print, I want to be able to help.


The interview can be seen in its entirety tonight on Larry King Live on CNN at 9pmET.
